Visit Stillwater coordinates the most extensive local calendar of events to enhance the marketing efforts of organizations and businesses while promoting their events throughout the year.

The Stillwater calendar is one of the most effective tools we have to motivate individuals to decide to visit Stillwater and residents to take advantage of events in their backyard.

The calendar is user-friendly to enable event coordinators to submit their events and graphics directly onto the Visit Stillwater website. Guidelines and a form are provided to make the process as easy as possible. However, we are also available to assist event planners and happy to get events added to the calendar on a group's behalf. 

The more information provided, the easier it is to market an event. Information such as event name, date(s), times, location, contact name/phone number/email address, event website and/or Facebook address, the cost to attend, the lineup of entertainment, and an associated logo or image are requested through our site. If complete event details are not available, they can be added later. Or, if event details change information can be easily updated.   

Events go through an approval process to ensure complete information is provided to enable the Visit Stillwater team to promote the event to the best of our ability. Events are generally approved on the day they are submitted. 

The Stillwater community calendar of events also enables individuals to search by dates, date range, or area of interest – such as leisure events, art, downtown-based, museum exhibits, athletics, live music, holiday & seasonal, livestock – at 

The online event calendar is used to produce the weekly “Calendar of Events”, which is printed and distributed within the 24/7 Stillwater Information Center and utilized as a script for weekday local radio and Tv-31 appearances. 

The calendar is also utilized to produce our monthly Still-In-the-Know postcards that include estimated event attendance figures and are mailed to our local hospitality industry partners – and anyone else who would like to receive one – to ensure they are aware of large groups to enable them to staff accordingly.

Additionally, the online calendar is outlined within our monthly eNewsletter that features our monthly promotional video, local retail and restaurants, attractions, and the calendar of events. The eNewsletter is available to anyone who signs up to receive it at  

It is never too soon to add your event to the calendar. It will enable other event planners and groups to either plan with your event to complement one another, or to plan for an alternate date and/or weekend to ensure there will be sufficient hotel rooms to accommodate both events.

Many of the marketing services provided by Visit Stillwater begin by posting an event on the community calendar and are provided at no cost to the event planners.

For the most current and up-to-date information regarding the Stillwater hospitality industry, go to, and follow Visit Stillwater on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at @VisitStillwater. Cristy Morrison, Visit Stillwater President and CEO, can be reached at or by calling 405-743-3697.