(STILLWATER, Oklahoma / March 29, 2017) - Eskimo Joe’s and Local Law Enforcement Officers Raise Funds to Benefit Special Olympics Oklahoma
Who: Special Olympics Oklahoma, local law enforcement
Special Olympics Oklahoma athletes numbering in the thousands meet in Stillwater every year in May for Summer Games. Staff and hundreds of volunteers are on hand to make sure athletes have three days full of competitions, Olympic-style ceremonies, Olympic Village, food, housing and many fun activities.
March 29, 2017 by Special Olympics Oklahoma
(STILLWATER, Oklahoma / March 29, 2017) - Eskimo Joe’s and Local Law Enforcement Officers Raise Funds to Benefit Special Olympics Oklahoma
Who: Special Olympics Oklahoma, local law enforcement
April 28, 2016 by Special Olympics Oklahoma
More than five thousand Special Olympics Oklahoma athletes will meet in Stillwater May 11 through 13, 2016 to celebrate the 47th Annual Summer Games held in Oklahoma. This year, more athletes are
April 21, 2014 by Special Olympics Oklahoma
Athletes will start arriving in Stillwater on Wednesday morning, May 14, 2014. They will come from the 14 geographic areas of Oklahoma where they have completed competitions in their local areas.
January 22, 2014 by Special Olympics Oklahoma
“If you don’t get around to registering to plunge before Saturday, that’s OK, because we will sign you up on the day of the plunge!” said Jennifer Lightle, Special Olympics Oklahoma Development
2617 W. 6th Avenue
Stillwater, OK 74074
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