(STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA / Sept. 17, 2020) – National Voter Registration Day is just around the corner. Next Tuesday, The City of Stillwater will join thousands of national, state, and local organizations in a cross-country effort to get citizens registered to vote well in advance of Election Day.

COVID-19 related changes to the voting process have made registering early extra important this year. Oklahoma voters who want to avoid the polls will need to request an absentee ballot before Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at 5 p.m. Registering to vote on National Voter Registration Day will ensure that voters are registered before any potential deadlines.

Residents wishing to participate can register to vote in-person or by downloading a voter registration form from the Oklahoma State Election Board website, filling it out, and mailing it to their local election office. If you need help getting a voter registration form, contact the Stillwater Public Library about how you can pick up a form curbside.

While the state of Oklahoma doesn’t allow for online voter registration, the National Voter Registration Day website does offer an online tool that can help Oklahoma residents with the registration process. For more information about this tool visit https://nationalvoterregistrationday.org/register-to-vote/.

Voter registration applications can be submitted at any time. However, the voter registration deadline to participate in the 2020 United States Presidential election is October 9. All mail-in voter registration applications will need to be postmarked on or before this date.

In addition to the Presidential election on November 3, there are several opportunities for Stillwater residents to vote on what’s going on in their local communities throughout the year. College students can register to vote in Stillwater and participate in these elections as well.

Next year, Stillwater will be holding an election for seat four of the Stillwater City Council. This position is currently held by Vice Mayor Pat Darlington whose term will expire April 2021. More details about this election will be released later this year.

For more information about National Voter Registration Day, visit the National Voter Registration Day website, www.NationalVoterRegistrationDay.org.

For more information about voter registration, deadlines, and upcoming elections, visit the Oklahoma State Election Board’s website, https://www.ok.gov/elections/