This February, one of T&G’s veteran directors and actors, Shane O’Mealey, is presenting a play that received the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1983. The show is titled night, Mother, written by Marsha Norman, and brings us the story of Jessie and Thelma (Mama) Cates, a mother and daughter who live together in a fairly lonely and dull existence, until Jessie calmly tells her mother she plans to end her life.

“The first time I came across this show was in my college literature book, and I’ve read it several times over the years. It’s exciting to be able to bring such a powerful show to Stillwater, thanks to the T&G Edge series,” O’Mealey said.

The cast involves only two women, and throughout the show they reveal secrets about their lives that they have never confessed to each other, or anyone. The daughter Jessie, played by Veronica Allen, attempts to hold on to why she’s chosen this path, revealing her struggles with epilepsy and a failed marriage. Her mother Thelma, played by Sally O’Mealey, desperately uses every trick in the book to convince her to live, while learning about her own insecurities along the way.

“This show is a fantastic opportunity for our actresses to show their acting ranges,” O’Mealey said. “It’s been a pleasure working with these ladies and watching them develop this script into something moving and truthful.” Although the play does not have any bad language, it covers mature themes that may be too dark for children. It is intended for mature audiences only.


If you are looking for a date night without the kids, an evening with friends, or just yearning for something different, come see ‘night, Mother. “This is an event that going to the movies just can’t reproduce,” O’Mealey said. “You’ll be close and personal with these women, sharing in their passions and fears. It will challenge you mentally and emotionally, and it’s the kind of experience that only live theater can provide.”


The production is available for one weekend only, Feb. 26, 27, & 28 at 7:30 p.m. at Town and Gown Theatre in Stillwater. Ticket prices are only $10 and are available online at Tickets may be purchase by calling the box office at (405) 372-9122 or at the door. Don’t miss this chance to see a more daring side of Stillwater at Town & Gown Theatre!










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Sally O'Mealey (seated) and Veronica Allen star in Town & Gown Theatre’s “On The Edge” production ofnight, Mother, which runs for three performances Feb. 26, 27, and 28.