(STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA / June 22, 2021) – Flowers, sunshine and butterflies! Meet up with the Stillwater Public Library for a “Butterfly Walk” Saturday, June 26, at 10 a.m. This free, family-friendly event is in partnership with the Payne County Audubon Society (PCAS) and takes place at the OSU Botanic Gardens. Participants will learn about the many varieties of butterflies in Oklahoma and other essential pollinators.
Butterflies are a vital part of the ecosystem. The “Butterfly Walk” will inform participants about their habitats and plant preferences and identify local species.
Emily Geest with PCAS is happy for the chance to share her love of butterflies with the community.
“Butterflies are an amazing insect with their brilliant colors and ability to transform from caterpillar to pupa and then to butterfly,” Geest said.
She also thinks that June is a great time to have the program because Pollinator Week runs from June 21 through the 27.
According to Pollinator Partnership’s website, Pollinator Week is an annual, international program that started ten years ago to celebrate pollinators and support their health. The site states that more than 200,000 species of pollinators are vital to the growth of the world’s food supply. Making safe habitats in yards and growing needed plants for food and reproduction can improve the numbers of butterflies and other pollinators.
Geest has a lot of tips for attracting pollinators.
“Helping pollinators thrive involves having the right plants for all stages of the pollinators’ lives,” Geest said. “We hope to improve attendees’ understanding of the needs of butterflies and how to incorporate helpful plants into personal gardens.”
Handouts on “Landscaping to Attract Butterflies, Moths and Skippers” from the OSU Extension will be available for participants. Books on butterfly identification, research and creating butterfly gardens are available at the library.
For more information about Pollinator Week and the Payne County Audubon Society, visit their websites at www.pollinator.org/pollinator-week and www.paynecountyaudubonsociety.com.
The “Butterfly Walk” is part of the library’s adult summer reading programs, and those wishing to attend can sign-up at tinyurl.com/SPLButterfly. A complete list of all summer reading programs for children, teens and adults can be found at library.stillwater.org/summer_@_your_library.php.
This project is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). To find out more about how NEA grants impact individuals and communities, visit www.arts.gov.