The storyline follows a widower, Mr. Green and his relationship with a young corporate executive, Ross Gardiner. Gardiner is ordered to spend the next six months making weekly visits to Mr. Green. What starts off as a comedy about two people who resent being in the same room together develops into a dramatic exploration between the men as they sort through family and social issues. Director Amber Dickinson said she chose this selection to direct because she believed the emotions and relationships explored are tremendously relatable. “We all have individuals in our lives that help us find our way out of a lonely state, and challenge us to become better people” she said. “Those themes are at the heart of this show.”


This will be Dickinson’s first time sitting in the T&G director’s chair. When she moved to Stillwater several years ago she wanted to make friends and have fun so she auditioned for “Clue: The Musical.” She became a cast member and choreographer for that show. While hosting auditions, she knew this show might be something some actors might shy away from due to the number of lines they would need to memorize. “Both Alex and Kyle have worked extremely hard to commit to these characters to make them real people,” said Dickinson. “We have enjoyed working together in the rehearsal process, and I can't wait to watch them bring these characters to life for Town and Gown audiences.”


The two characters are played by Alex Barto, as Ross Gardiner and Kyle Eastham, as Mr. Green. This is Barto’s fifth performance at Town & Gown. He has enjoyed performing for local audiences in various roles over the years. New to the theatre and to acting is Kyle Eastham, playing Mr. Green. Eastham thought it “looked fun” so with his wife’s encouragement he auditioned and got the part. Eastham is also a part of a Stillwater-based a capella vocal ensemble.


“Visiting Mr. Green” will run for eight performances Apr. 9 – 12, and 16 – 19, with the second weekend being a part of the Legends Weekend in Stillwater. Performances are on Thursday, Friday and Saturday begin at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday matinees are at 2:30 p.m.

Tickets will go on sale Monday, Apr. 6, and can be reserved by calling the box office at 405.372.9122 or purchasing online tickets at Ticket prices are Adult, $14; Students, $12; and Seniors, $10 (available for Sunday matinees only).

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