(STILLWATER, Oklahoma / January 29, 2018) Things My Mother Taught Me, a delightful romantic comedy, will open Thursday, February 8 at Town & Gown Theatre in Stillwater, OK.
Audiences will find it easy to put themselves in the predicament of a young couple, Olivia and Gabe, who are moving into their first apartment together. They’ve just packed up all of their belongings and driven halfway across the country, to start a new life together in Chicago. Their moving day doesn't go exactly as planned, though, and things become slightly more complicated when all of their parents show up to help! Can a two bedroom apartment contain all of the love, laughs, worry and wisdom that's about to happen?
This brand new comedy from Katherine De Savino, the author of Nana's Naughty Knickers, takes a generational look at relationships, and how sometimes parents are passing their best lessons on to their children without even meaning to. Funny and touching, this one will make you laugh out loud and fall in love all over again.
“I selected this script because it provided a good cast for using a wider range of our current Town & Gown talent pool,” Director Susan Weber, who last directed a show at T&G five years ago, said. “I like having a cast that has a wider range of characters, and I can see why this play is becoming a community theatre staple.”
Weber noted the February show slot was an ideal time to produce this play because the script is about love. “Both being in love and love that has withstood the test of time,” she said. “I thought it would be a nice show to see at Valentine’s Day. It is a good date show; you can take your sweetheart to dinner and a play for Valentine’s, even though we don’t have a show on Valentine’s Day.”
Weber said she has enjoyed working with this mixed cast of T&G veterans and newcomers. “Four of the cast I have worked with before on various shows, and three are new for me to work with on shows,” she said. “Working with this cast and crew has been wonderful. Their hard work makes my job easier as director.”
“The set looks like a real apartment thanks to the work of Paul Weber, Tim Wilson, Russ Hopper and Cindy Sheets. Without these hard working individuals, we would have a blank set.”
The show, which runs for eight performances Feb. 8-11 and Feb. 15-18, stars Courtney Pilkington as Olivia Keegan, Shay Lower as Karen Keegan, Tim Prchal as Carter Keegan, Ryan Williams as Gabe Lawson, Bonnie Cain-Wood as Lydia Lawson, Paul Weber as Wyatt Lawson, and Russ Hopper as Max Mirowski.
Tickets for “Things My Mother Taught Me” will go on sale Monday, Feb. 5. Individual tickets may be reserved by calling the Town & Gown box office at (405) 372-9122; please leave a message if no one is available to answer your call. Tickets may also be purchased online at www.townandgown.org. Fifteen minutes before showtime, all reserved tickets not yet paid for will be released for sale.
Ticket prices are: adults - $14, students - $12, seniors - $12 (available for Sunday matinees only).
Show times are 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, and 2:30 p.m. on Sunday.