(STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA / November 12, 2021) – Payne county teens are invited to join the Stillwater Public Library (SPL) on Friday, Nov. 19, at 6 p.m., for a teen “live-action” anime night featuring a favorite yellow critter with awesome detective skills. The Teen Advisory Committee (TAC) is hosting this event outdoors in the library courtyard for teens in grade six and up. There will be Japanese snacks and discussions of other anime movies, shows, and manga books are encouraged. Registration is required for this event.
Jessica Howe, SPL's teen librarian, is looking forward to the program as are the library’s Teen Advisory Committee members.
"My TAC teens are so excited for this program,” Howe said. “I think other teens in the county will appreciate seeing their niche interests celebrated in a program also. They can even dress up as their favorite anime character if they’d like to.”
Before the pandemic began, there was a long-running teen anime night that met monthly. That program had to be put on hold. Howe and the TAC teens are hoping to use this program as a way to measure interest in starting the program back up in some format in the next year. There will be a sign-up sheet at the Nov. 19 event for attendees to express their interest in that option.
The “live-action” anime movie focuses on a famous yellow character as he and his partner’s son search for the truth about what’s happening in their universe after his partner goes missing. The film came out in 2019 and is rated PG. Snacks and drinks will be provided courtesy of the Friends of the Stillwater Public Library. For a comfortable experience, we encourage attendees to bring lawn chairs or blankets for seating. It will likely be chilly outside, so teens should dress accordingly. If the weather does not cooperate, the program will be canceled. Registrants will be notified via email as soon as any decisions are made regarding inclement weather.
Teens interested in attending should register in advance, which is required to help staff plan and keep the event COVID-safe. The library encourages attendees to:
· Not attend an event if ill or experiencing Covid-19 symptoms
· Please consider wearing a mask over nose and mouth
· Remain at a safer distance from others not in their households
TAC members, like the ones who planned this program, sign up for a year-long term to help plan teen library programs, provide input on which young adult materials to order, and volunteer for events and projects as needed. Members earn community service hours that library staff verify for resumes, college applications, and other programs requiring proof of volunteer hours. They also gain leadership experience, make new friends and community connections, and are eligible to participate in TAC-only programs and events.
Registration for the Teen Live-Action Anime Night and TAC can be found at library.stillwater.org/teen_services.php or call the Help Desk at (405) 372-3633 x8106.
Stay up to date with teen activities and events on social media channels by following @StillwaterOKLib. Sign up for the library's email newsletter to get monthly updates at library.stillwater.org/library_newsletter.php.
The Stillwater Public Library is located at 1107 S. Duck St. Library hours are Monday- Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Thursday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.