(STILLWATER, Oklahoma / October 22, 2018) - A different kind of jaws is on tap at the Shockwater Horror Film Festival at Modella Gallery both Friday, Nov. 2 and Saturday, Nov. 3, 2018, with a full line up of horror films, campy, creative and spooky. With Halloween in the middle of the week this year, organizers wanted to extend the celebration into the weekend. 

The festival lineup includes: 

Fri., Nov. 2: 6p-Horror Shorts; 7:30p-Night of Living Dead; 9:30p– Carnival of Souls 

Sat., Nov. 3: 8:30p– The House on Haunted Hill; 10:30p– OSU film student work; 11:30p– Rocky Horror Picture Show 

Horror Film Festival organizers include Anna Louise Wiegenstein, Lyn Broyles, Danny Shipka and Modella board. “We really want to encourage costumes. Really, what would Rocky Horror be without engaging the audience. Friday evening's programming is intended to be more traditionally creepy, while Saturday will lean more toward the spooky-funny, so there's something for everyone,” said Wiegenstein. And, we are identifying suggested donation of two night viewing for $15 and one night viewing at $10. 

Sponsors include Stillwater Arts and Humanities Council and Public Relations Student Society of America. 


Modella Gallery is a non-profit art gallery dedicated to bringing contemporary arts to Stillwater, Oklahoma. Intended to be a conduit for the arts, the gallery presents a continuing program of art exhibitions of local and national artists, visual, music and performance events, screenings, and special projects. Modella Gallery is located at 721 South Main Street in historic downtown Stillwater, OK. Hours are Thursday and Friday 5-8p; Saturday 11a-5p, and Sunday 11a-3p. For further information, please contact the gallery at (405) 880-4434 or visit modellaartgallery.org.