(Stillwater, OK) – The community is invited to a Christian adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic A Christmas Carol presented by the members of Bible Baptist Church. The play will be performed at 7 p.m. Dec. 13 and at 1 p.m. Dec. 14 at the church, which is located at 115 N. Young St. in Stillwater.
Cold-hearted, tight-fisted Ebenezer Scrooge doesn’t believe in being cheerful or in celebrating Christmas. For him, it’s just another day to spend making money, not making merry. But just like in Dickens’ story, three spirits come to remind, encourage, and challenge Scrooge to open his heart to all that God has done for him, even though he doesn’t see it.
Dickens’ novella A Christmas Carol was first published in London on Dec. 19, 1843. But the 180-year-old novella has enduring themes for today, such as love, forgiveness, and redemption, and the play’s adaptation is sure to delight the whole family.
“Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol is a classic,” said Crystal Stephens, director. “The script is adapted mostly from the original book, with some of our own additions.”
Stephens said there are many facets to putting on a production of this size.
“There are hundreds of details that we don’t want to miss in trying to make this a memorable event for the Stillwater community and for families,” Stephens said. “We have been planning and working on the production since January of this year.”
With a cast of more than 50 actors and actresses, and more than 50 in the production team, putting together the production hasn’t been easy. The cast began preparing in June with its first collective read through the script.
“We want to provide a place for families to come and make memories or start a new family tradition,” Stephens said.
Guests may register for free at stillwaterbbc.org/christmascarol. Seating is limited, so guests are encouraged to register quickly before all the seats are reserved. Show times last approximately two hours.
Guests who attend the Dec. 14 production will have a chance to join in on cookie decorating after the show with proof of registration.
Bible Baptist Church offers something for everyone, from infants and a children’s ministry (Character Connection) to a youth program (First Claim), a college/career class (Connect), and multiple adult classes. Service times on Sunday include Bible Study at 10 a.m., Worship service at 11 a.m., and an evening service at 5:30 p.m. The church also has a Wednesday evening service at 7 p.m.
Bible Baptist Church’s theme this year is “Come Heal, Come Grow, Come Worship.” Its mission is to remain timeless, not trendy. Its focus is on preaching from God’s Word, old hymns and new songs sung enthusiastically, and a heartfelt desire to reach the people of Stillwater with a message of God’s love.
For more information, call the church offices at 405-372-7444, email them at info@stillwaterbbc.org or visit their website at stillwaterbbc.org.